But I don’t think it’s useful so I won’t discuss it here. So that’s pretty much you need to know to get started coding the OLED Display for Arduino. The OLED I bought is a mono colour, I2C 0.96′ 128×64 OLED display which is about $14.
I like I2C because it’s very simple (only 2 data connections), and it leaves other pins available for other devices.įirst Declare Library, an object OzOled will be created automatically. Then initialize the object with “init()” function. OzOled.printString('Hello World!') //Print the String OzOled.init() //initialze SEEED OLED display You can then use “printString()” function to print text on the screen. I might not have time to work on this library and keep it up to date, so free feel to customize as you need to.Reference Language | Libraries | Comparison | Changes There are many more functions you can use, check out the library for more.